I Was Sat There…

You might have noticed this structure used by native speakers, particularly from Ireland or the UK. And you might have thought: Well that’s not right. It should be I was sitting there, shouldn’t it?

Yes, it should. But also, well, not really, no. Let’s investigate…

I’ve noticed criticisms of the expression I/She etc. was sat (or stood) recently, particularly of its use in public forums, such as in news reports, with the general sentiment that it’s not good grammar.

And while I have some sympathy for this point of view, these criticisms also don’t quite sit right with me (or should that be aren’t quite sat right…?) But let’s start at the start first, and answer the question, Is it bad grammar?

Certainly, using the past continuousI was sitting – is correct. And at first glance, I was sat doesn’t seem correct. It might not appear to follow the structure of a recognisable English tense, following the past-simple form of the verb to be (was) with the past-participle form of the verb to sit.

But what if I told you that I was tired? Or I was scared? I was confused, surprised, bored, excited, interested, lost, exhausted – they’re all OK, aren’t they?

And what we’re doing in all those cases is on one level the same as what we’re doing when we say I was sat – using a past participle as an adjective. Now if you look back at all those examples, you’ll notice that they’re all referring to feelings, either physical or emotional, and that’s obviously not the case when we say I was sat. Still, there is a precedent for that basic structure in English (and many other languages).

And if you think about it, there’s a logic to using sat as an adjective, as it’s a passive situation. When we say I was sitting or standing we’re talking about a state, not a dynamic action, so it’s not really so strange to use I was sat or stood instead.

Of course another very persuasive argument in favour of the structure is that lots of people use it, and it’s comprehensible. And whether you like it or not, that’s generally how what we consider correct grammar comes to be so accepted.

Because it’s widely used then, and comprehensible, but still not what you’d find in a grammar book, it’s usually categorised by those in the know as non-standard grammar. Which I like to think of as language that’s fine to use in conversation, but not in an English-language exam.

And in fairness, lots of critics of I was sat argue it’s OK to use in informal conversation, but not in broadcasting. To which I say: why not?

And I don’t mean that in a dismissive way: I’m actually genuinely curious to hear arguments against it, as most don’t usually extend beyond It’s bad grammar or It’s wrong, and I don’t think that’s reason enough to exclude it.

What’s so bad about letting people hear some non-standard grammar? I’m not saying we should say anything goes and have people address a national audience in very specific slang or dialect that only a select few would understand. But if something is comprehensible and logical, like I was sat, what’s the harm in it?

I guess what’s really at the heart of this is the very concept of standard English, which is surprisingly problematic. Which form of English gets to be standard English?

The answer of course, is none, as different countries have different recognised standard forms, though internationally UK Standard English with a Received Pronunciation accent tends to be seen as the standard others deviate from, even if it’s spoken by a relatively small number of people.

But prejudice against accents, dialects and structures that differ from “the Queen’s English” remains surprisingly common, even among people who don’t speak it themselves (for example, a tweet by an Irish journalist complaining about I was sat is what inspired this post). See the number of complaints about “regional” accents on the BBC, even though we all live in a region, so the very concept of a regional accent is nonsensical.

This surprises me, as in many countries we now have access to so much more information than in the past, and as a result are more aware of the lives of other people, and are more sensitive to prejudice. Most of us would never dream of consciously or overtly discriminating against someone because of their social class, level of education, nationality, or race. But it’s still quite acceptable to openly criticise someone who uses language which is influenced by these factors. Not merely acceptable, but quite populist in fact. I could probably post something like Don’t you hate when people say I was sat! or It really annoys me when people say We was!! and get a lot of support. Or at least I could if I were popular.

And that’s partly because such prejudices are still sadly common, even if they’re often unconscious. I think though that in terms of language, there’s some psychology at work as well. I think for English speakers in particular, we often have a slight insecurity about whether or not we’re using the language correctly, as English can be complex, but also contains different forms that are considered correct by different groups. How many people have fretted about the “correct” pronunciation of words like controversy or schedule, for example?

Because of this insecurity therefore, we tend to pounce on people we think are using the language incorrectly, to assert our own perception of correct usage, and perhaps project our own fears that we don’t always get it right.

That’s why I think we need to open our eyes and ears a little more to different forms of English. Language has often been used as a tool by the powerful to control the rest of us. This is most evident in terms of class and colonialism, when the language of the upper classes or the colonisers are coded as the correct form, and anyone who doesn’t conform to their usage is in the wrong. They either adapt to the modes of language use of the powerful, or are excluded. And of course controlling language is also a simple way to control the narrative, and ensure that the powerful get to communicate what they want, and silence other voices.

It might not seem like much, but embracing an accent or dialect, or simply using a past participle instead of a present participle can be a little revolution, and spread power a little more evenly among people.

23 thoughts on “I Was Sat There…

  1. I’ve never heard “I was sat.” Maybe hasn’t made it across the ocean –for which I
    I’m glad.

    The difference I see in your examples: confused, surprised, bored, excited, interested, lost, and exhausted are all accepted adjectives in their own right. The bored listeners, the excited children, the exhausted mother, etc. “The sat mother” or “the sat children” has a wrong ring to me. The seated audience or the sitting ducks, yes. I’m seated/sitting in my office chair at this moment.

    I wouldn’t complain if someone used it and I find regional accents in general are quite interesting, adding spice to our reading and listening. However, “I was sat” is still bad grammar. The trouble with accepting bad grammar in writing is that eventually the rules of grammar will be lost and we’ll have a hodge-podge. I’ve seen hundreds of people using it’s instead of its, but frequency never makes it right in my books.

    Some years back the Ontario govt eliminated the teaching of grammar in schools, claiming that grammar rules hinder the free flow of thought and make writing hard. The result has not been more great writers; it’s rather been a steady rise in illiteracy. Students entering universities are having to take remedial reading courses. So I’m never going to support ignoring grammar or spelling rules. R U? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree that we certainly need to make sure that people understand the basics of grammar, in order to be able to communicate effectively. I think though that once we do that, it opens some space for a little creativity with language. If we learn for example, that ‘I was sitting’ is the correct, standard form, then we can recognise ‘I was sat’ as a non-standard form. Then we can choose to play around with language a little, confident that we know how the general system works. But certainly, we need to walk before we run, and learn how to use grammar before we play around with it!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Just a comment on where this usage is common – it’s never used by Irish speakers of English, it’s a purely English phenomenon, just as ‘I were’, and linking vowels by using an ‘r’ sound as in ‘drawring room’ is never heard in Ireland.


  3. Your explanation is incorrect in that bored or excited are passive uses of the verbs. I was bored (by the movie) is an example where the active agent is left out. But one is still bored by something.


    • You’re right that the use of ‘sat’ in ‘I was sat’ isn’t a passive form, and therefore it doesn’t have the same meaning behind it as the other structures. My point though is that the fact that we’re used to hearing past participles used as adjectives/structures means that in spoken English, ‘I was sat’ doesn’t sound so out of place to those who use it, as it sounds similar to those structures.


  4. Absolutely not the initial article is simply wrong “I was sat there” is simply incorrect it’s really only used by I’ll educated individuals. End of. The rest is nonsense.


  5. “English-language thoughts are like windows to a world of diverse perspectives and ideas. Language shapes the way we perceive and express our thoughts, influencing our interactions and understanding of the world around us. Whether it’s through literature, conversation, or contemplation, the richness of the English language allows us to explore complex concepts, share experiences, and connect with others on a deeper level. Let’s embrace the beauty and power of English-language thoughts as a means of fostering empathy, creativity, and global understanding.”

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