All of This has Happened Before, and will Happen again…

It’s déjà vu all over again – Yogi Berra

One of the downsides to trying to post something every day, is that you occasionally have a moment when, about to start a new post, you think to yourself, Haven’t I written about this already? So you try to jog your memory, and then search your blog, but can’t find anything. Sometimes you remember touching on the topic in a previous post, but as it wasn’t the focus of that post, you decide to go ahead with this one. Other times, you still aren’t sure if you wrote about this before or not, and then decide to just go ahead with it, there are probably quite a few people who didn’t read the previous post, if it exists. That was way back when you’d just started out and no-one was reading your blog.

I had that feeling, not for the first time, this morning, but at least I’m not thinking about it too much today, as I’ve obviously changed tack and decided to write about this feeling instead. It’s a little like déjà vu, I suppose, only not quite as uncanny, because there’s probably a rational explanation for this feeling. If I haven’t already written about this topic, then I’ve probably touched briefly upon it, or written something similar. Continue reading